PolandThe Institute of Sport has been established in Warsaw by Regulation of the Prime Minister in November 1977 as an independent research unit and is holding the statute of National Research Institute since November 2015. The activities of the Institute involve:...
EOSE Members
Technical University of Madrid (UPM) – SPAIN
SpainThe Technical University of Madrid (UPM) was founded in 1971 through the integration of the Higher Technical Schools which up until then made up the Higher Technical Institutes. The University Schools joined the following year. The Technical University of Madrid...
General Secretariat of Sports, Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports – GREECE
GreeceThe Secretariat General of Sport (S.G.S) of Greece is responsible for the national executive planning and has overall responsibility for all issues concerning progress, organisation and function of Sports in the country. More specifically, it is responsible for...
Cardiff Metropolitan University – UK
UKAbout Cardiff Metropolitan University “We trace our history back to 1865, when the School of Art first opened in the Old Free Library in Cardiff. Since we developed into a university, we have remained rooted in Wales while providing practice-focused and...
Munster Technological University (MTU) – IRELAND
IrelandThe mission statement of the Institute of Technology Tralee is “To excel in teaching, research and development work, for the benefit of students, industry and the wider community”. The Department of Health & Leisure is a department within the School of...
Arbetsgivaralliansen – SWEDEN
SwedenArbetsgivaralliansen is an independent confederation for Swedish employers such as sporting and educational associations. The organisation has the main goal to negotiate collective agreement for their members as well as help them with the implementation of the...
Sports Union of Slovenia (SUS) – SLOVENIA
SloveniaSports Union of Slovenia as the largest sports for all organization connects different sports organizations, associations, clubs and individuals working in the field of sports recreation and sports education in Slovenia. It unites over 200 organisations and...
Sports Hub Denmark IdrætsPlatformen Danmark – DENMARK
DenmarkIdrætsPlatformen Danmark (Sports Hub Denmark) is a not-for-profit association formed to promote skills development, cross-sectoral collaboration and strategic development of the sports and leisure sector in Denmark. The association was established in 2020 by a...
Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LSPA) – LATVIA
LatviaCreated in 1921 by the Cabinet of Ministers under the name Latvian Institute of Physical Education (LFII), the Academy got its current name (Latvian Academy of Sport Education) in November 1991 by decision of the Ministry of Education to better reflect the...
University of Nicosia (NIC) – CYPRUS
CyprusThe University of Nicosia is an independent, co-educational, equal opportunity tertiary education institution, combining the best elements in western education, quality standards and an international philosophy. International in philosophy, the University hosts...