Completed Projects



LeafletsESSA-Sport Project ESSA-Sport “European Sector Skills Alliance for sport and physical activity” was implemented to analyse the labour market and improve the supply of skills to the sector.ESSA-Sport sought to deliver the first Europe-wide Employment and Skills...

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LeafletsONSIDE Project NO SPORT OFFICIALS = NO SPORTThe ONSIDE project was funded under the Erasmus+ Sport Programme of the European Union and had a duration of three years from 2018 to 2020. BackgroundWithout sport officials across Europe giving up their time, sport...

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LeafletsCHANGE Project Defining skills and competences for sport to act as a tool for development of people and society in EuropeThe CHANGE project was funded under the Erasmus+ Sport Programme of the European Union and had a duration of three years from 2019 to 2021....

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LeafletsFORMS PROJECT Emerging Forms of Employment in the Sport sector in EuropeThe FORMS project has been funded under the Erasmus+ Sport Programme of the European Union (Call 2020) and has a duration of 2 years, running up to December 2022.BackgroundNew forms and...

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FinalOutputsNEW  Innovative Tools for sport volunteeringV4V PROJECT Analysing and making visible the skills acquired through volunteering in sport in EuropeThe V4V project has been funded under the Erasmus+ Sport Programme of the European Union (Call 2020) and had a...

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S2A Sport Mobility

S2A Sport Mobility

LeafletsS2A Sport Mobility Project Enhancing the skills of sport administrators through international learning mobilityThe S2A Sport Mobility project was co-funded by the European Commission as a Pilot Project in the field of sport under the call for proposals...

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LeafletSKILLS ProjectContinuing the journey towards a skilled workforce for the sport and physical activity sector in EuropeThe SKILLS project was built as a complementary initiative and follow- up from the ESSA-Sport project to ensure continuity and to keep the topic...

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