Santarém Polytechnic University / Sport Sciences School of Rio Maior (ESDRM) – PORTUGAL

The Sport Sciences School of Rio Maior (ESDRM), is a Portuguese public higher education school and forms part of the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém (IPS). ESDRM was established in 1997 and currently has approximately 112 staff members and 1000 students.
The school is devoted to Sport Sciences, training and research. Students and staff are involved in 6 bachelors, 4 masters and postgraduate/short duration programs on Sports Coaching, Fitness & Health, Outdoor Activities, Sports Tourism, Sports Psychology, Sports Management and Special Groups.
The School is part of the following research centres: Life Quality Research Centre (CIEQV) (formed in 2013) has, as its mission, the production of knowledge and innovation and the promotion of improvement in the life quality of human beings. The mission of CIEQV is aligned with the priorities of the “Europe 2020”, with regard to some of the societal challenges, particularly in the maintenance of high standards of life quality in various age groups and social contexts; the Centre for Research in Sport, Health & Human Development (CIDESD) supported by the National Foundation for Science & Technology (FCT). Other researchers are integrated in the Interdisciplinary Centre for the Study of Human Performance (CIPER), a Research Unit of the Faculty of Human Kinetics, also supported by FCT. The 44 full time researchers are involved in several research projects and doctorate programs with some national research centres and Portuguese universities, and also with universities and research units from other countries.
The Sport Sciences School of Rio Maior currently has six graduate courses: Graduate in Management of Sport Organizations; Graduate in Fitness and Health in Sport; Graduate in Outdoor Activities And Sport Tourism; Graduate in Sport and Exercise Psychology; Graduate in Sport Coaching; Graduate in Physical Activity and Lifestyle (European bachelor program and Erasmus program) and three Masters in Sport: Master in Sport, Specialization in Sport Coaching; Master in Sport and Exercise Psychology and Master in Physical Activity in Special Populations.