Fédération Nationale Profession Sport et Loisirs (FNPSL) – FRANCE

The French National Sport and Leisure Profession Federation (FNPSL) is a network of associations committed to employment and training in the fields of sports and leisure. Everyday, they allow professionals of sports and socio-cultural sectors to carry out their work in a safe and sustainable environment.
Committed actors of the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE), the local associations PSL engage with clubs and associations to generate employment and quality services in the long term. With a presence throughout the entire French territory, the PSL network supports the local actors (associations, communities, etc.) with the implementation of public policies affecting employment / training and local development.
The FNPSL gathers 80 associations and employer hubs carrying 28,000 jobs within 14,500 clubs, associations and local communities. 7,500 job offers are centralized and carried out by more than 450 employment counsellors.