October 2021 saw the second full partner meeting of the FORMS project. The online event had the ambition to review progress in Phase 2 – Desk research and analysis of emerging forms of employment in the sport sector and other sectors in Europe…
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V4V researches skills, recruitment and retention issues in volunteering in sport (Partner Meeting 2)
15th October 2021 saw the second full partner meeting for V4V to review progress in the desk research and interview component of output 1 – a comprehensive mapping of the volunteer workforce…
Participants learned about Strategy in the European Course on Sport Administration
S2A-Sport Mobility – Online meetings
V4V Project to analyse and make visible the skills acquired through volunteering in sport in Europe
The 5th of May 2021 saw the kick-off meeting for V4V, a new project funded through the Erasmus+ Sport programme of the European Commission. Coordinated by the European Observatoire of Sport and Employment (EOSE), with the support of 12 other expert partners from the European sport sector, V4V aims to…
FORMS project officially kicked off to focus on emerging forms of employment in sport
14 April 2021 saw the kick-off meeting for a new project funded through the EU’s Erasmus+ Sport programme. Building on the success and main findings of the recent ESSA-Sport project, FORMS will explore emerging forms of employment in the sport sector in Europe…
Online kick off meeting for SKILLS project to keep a focus on skills and workforce development in the sport sector in Europe
SKILLS – Online kick off meeting
Towards an innovative European Course on Sport Administration
S2A-Sport Mobility – Online meetings
Eurostat meeting to collect data on the sport labour market for the year 2019
EOSE met the Eurostat team to continue the collection of data on the European Sport Labour Market
Kick-off meeting – Pilot projects “Exchanges and Mobility in Sport”
S2A-Sport Mobility – Kick off meeting