EOSE Members
European Observatoire of Sport and Employment
EOSE is an independent not-forprofit membership organisation and all activities carried out are strongly supported, linked and based on the quality, expertise and involvement of its members and collaborators/partners from all EU member states and beyond.
EOSE Members
Why become a Member?
Get access
to a wide network and database
Increase your influence
while being member of a recognised stakeholder at EU level
Receive the latest news
from the sector and updates on EU policies
Benefit from a prime access
to EOSE EU-funded projects
Build upon EOSE
recognised expertise in project management
Get tailor-made information
on potential EU funding
Contribute to the development
of a structured approach anticipate the sector’s needs
Be involved in
data collection and collaborative publications
Take part in
sector development and support our work
Contribute to shaping
EOSE’s future while making your voice heard at the General Assembly
National Expert Organisations
Independent and not-for-profit organisations willing to contribute to the work of EOSE, demonstrating an expertise in the field…
International / European Organisations
Organisations having signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with EOSE…
Recognised experts in the areas related to EOSE Vision and Mission and willing to act as national point of contact.
EOSE Partner Organisations

Contact us
Would you like to know more about our organisation? Interested in joining us as a member or partner?
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EOSE bi-monthly newsletter will keep you informed on the latest news, activities, developments, projects, and upcoming events. See latest newsletters