The 18 and 19 of October 2022 saw the successful kick-off meeting for a new 3-year project funded through the Erasmus+ Sport programme of the European Union. In line with the priority ‘Grow Impact’ in the WADA’s 2020-2024 Strategic Plan, the GLDF4CleanSport project...
Aurélien Favre
New tools to support recruitment and retention of sport volunteers discussed at V4V partner meeting in Helsinki
A solid foundation of research to understand the realities and challenges in sport volunteering will inform new toolkits for sport organisations and volunteers. The 20th and 21st of June 2022 saw the partners in the V4V project gather in Helsinki, Finland, for the 3rd...
FORMS Project Partners meet for the first time in person in Luxembourg in June 2022!
June 2022 was an exciting landmark in the FORMS project “Researching emerging forms of employment in the European sport sector” for two reasons. At last, we meet Firstly, despite the project having run for 18 months, this was the first chance for the seven partners...
Groundbreaking European Skills Survey on Sport Volunteering is now open!
Take part now and have your say on sport volunteering in Europe EOSE and the partners in the V4V project have launched a new survey aimed at the whole sport sector which covers key issues related to sport volunteering. The target group for the survey is all sport...
New Compendium showcases National Workforce Development Initiatives
EOSE and the partners in the SKILLS project are delighted to announce the publication of the “Compendium of selected good practice examples towards a skills and workforce for the sport and physical activity sector”. The 13 good practice examples in this Compendium...
V4V plans the first ever European Volunteer Skills Survey of Sport Organisations
Following their successful meeting on 15 October 2021, the V4V partners met again online on 10 November to begin planning the final component of Phase 1, a comprehensive mapping of the volunteer workforce in Europe. This new component will be the first ever survey of...
Research emerging forms of employment in the sport sector in Europe (FORMS 2nd Partner Meeting)
V4V researches skills, recruitment and retention issues in volunteering in sport (Partner Meeting 2)
15th October 2021 saw the second full partner meeting for V4V, another innovative project coordinated by the European Observatoire of Sport and Employment (EOSE) and funded through the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Sport programme. The partners had hoped to convene...
V4V Project to analyse and make visible the skills acquired through volunteering in sport in Europe
The 5th of May 2021 saw the kick-off meeting for V4V, a new project funded through the Erasmus+ Sport programme of the European Commission. Coordinated by the European Observatoire of Sport and Employment (EOSE), with the support of 12 other expert partners from the...