The partners in the WINS project met recently to sign off the WINS Research Report into gender and sport officiating which will be published in early 2023. Over the past two years, under the guidance of Research lead Dr Tom Webb from the University of Portsmouth, four...
Year: 2022
Volunteering Skills Survey of Sport Organisations gathers nearly 3,000 responses!
The partners in the EU funded V4V project “Skills acquired through volunteering in sport” met for their fourth Full Partner Meeting in Tallinn (Estonia) as guests of the Estonian Foundation of Sports Education & Information. Coordinated by EOSE, this two-day event...
FORMS Final publication is on his way!
The partners in the EU funded FORMS project “Researching emerging forms of employment in the European sport sector” were delighted to meet in person for a final Full Partner Meeting in Lisbon as guests of Polytechnic Institute of Santarem/Sport Sciences School of Rio...
EDUGOLF Partners Make Progress in Poland
On the 3 and 4 of November 2022 the partners in the EDUGOLF project met for their fourth meeting in Warsaw, Poland, hosted by the Polish Golf Union. The EDUGOLF project runs from January 2021 – December 2023 and is jointly led by the Confederation of Professional Golf...
Launch of a new Erasmus+ Sport initiative in anti-doping (GLDF4CleanSport)
The 18 and 19 of October 2022 saw the successful kick-off meeting for a new 3-year project funded through the Erasmus+ Sport programme of the European Union. In line with the priority ‘Grow Impact’ in the WADA’s 2020-2024 Strategic Plan, the GLDF4CleanSport project...
European Week of Sport 2022: BE ACTIVE
From the 21st to the 23rd of September, the city of Prague in the Czech Republic welcomed around 250 participants from different countries for the Official Opening of the European Week of Sport. Several key activities for the sector took place at the event. Of...
EOSE looks forward to new capacity building project
Following a highly competitive application process, EOSE is proud to announce a new two-year project which was selected for funding in the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Call for Proposals Capacity Building in the Field of Sport 2022. The new 2-year initiative will...
New anti-doping eu funded project to begin this summer
Summer 2022 will see the start of a new Erasmus+ Sport project, coordinated by EOSE in partnership with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) to support a global approach to competence-based training leading to greater impact of anti-doping organisations in the EU and...
New tools to support recruitment and retention of sport volunteers discussed at V4V partner meeting in Helsinki
A solid foundation of research to understand the realities and challenges in sport volunteering will inform new toolkits for sport organisations and volunteers. The 20th and 21st of June 2022 saw the partners in the V4V project gather in Helsinki, Finland, for the 3rd...
FORMS Project Partners meet for the first time in person in Luxembourg in June 2022!
June 2022 was an exciting landmark in the FORMS project “Researching emerging forms of employment in the European sport sector” for two reasons. At last, we meet Firstly, despite the project having run for 18 months, this was the first chance for the seven partners...